Choosing IT hardware that suits your actual needs is not always easy. Despite the various brands and models available on the market, conveying our usage of machines into a precise configuration is not always as straightforward as it seems.
This is the reason why, before all purchases, SMH Concept helps you, free of charge, to define the best type of hardware for your use within your budget.
Moreover the purchase of IT hardware usually involves a time-consuming and fastidious installation which does not guarantee the rigorous completion of every stage involved in the process or that your material is in perfect working order. At SMH Concept we consider that whatever the purchased material (desktop, laptop or server), you have the right to expect its delivery and installation at your place of residence or at your work place and, above all, ready-to-use.
That is why when you purchase any computer, our service includes not only the delivery and material installation but also the connection of all types of peripherals (printers, scanners, modems, etc.) without additional fees.